College of Business - City University of Hong Kong AACSB International EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System
Research Seminar

Research Seminar

The Two-Dimensional Vector Packing Problem with Courier Cost Structure

Abstract: The two-dimensional vector packing problem with courier cost structure is a practical problem faced by many manufacturers that ship products using courier service. The manufacturer must ship a number of items using standard-sized cartons, where the cost of a carton quoted by the courier is determined by a piecewise linear function of its weight. The cost function is not necessarily convex or concave. The objective is to pack all items into cartons such that the total delivery cost is minimized while observing both the weight limit and volume capacity constraints. In this study, we investigate solution methods to this problem.
Date: 14 June 2013
Time: 11:00am - 12:00noon
Speaker: Mr Hu Qian
PhD Student
Department of Management Sciences
City University of Hong Kong
Venue: Room P7537, e-Logistics Laboratory, Department of Management Sciences, 7/F, Academic 1 Purple Zone, City University of Hong Kong

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