Date 5 June 2015 (Friday)
Time 6:30 - 8:30pm
Venue Eminence Galaxy – Alumni Function Room, 11/F, Academic 3, CityU
Language Putonghua

Sports. Industry. Society

Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming 胡曉明BBS太平紳士

Chairman, Council of the City University of Hong Kong
Chairman, Ryoden Development Limited

[ Biography ]


  • According to incomplete statistics, the global gross value of the sports industry was around US$800 billion in 2013. It was approximately US$441 billion in the United States, approximately 3% of its GDP; while in EU, it was about EUR400 billion, about 3-4% of the GDP of each of the EU countries.
  • With the rise of the Chinese middle class and growing concern on health, there is a huge potential for the development of sports industry in Mainland.
  • In October 2014, the State Council issued "Opinions on accelerating the development of sports industry to promote sports consumption" and targeted an overall scale of sports industry of over RMB5 trillion by 2025.
  • Beijing and Zhangjiakou have submitted application for hosting the 24th Olympic Winter Games in 2022. It was expected that over 300 million Chinese people will be attracted to winter sports.
  • Sports development policies in Hong Kong
  • Development of sports contributes to improving people's health and enriches their spiritual and cultural life.
  • Development of sports and the sports industry also helps to strengthen social cohesion and sense of belonging.
  • 據不完全的統計,2013年全球體育產業年總值約8000億美元。其中,美國約4410億美元,約佔該國GDP的 3%;歐盟約4000多億歐元,同樣約佔歐盟各國GDP的 3-4%。
  • 中國中產階層崛起,加上更著重健康,內地體育產業發展潛力優厚
  • 2014年10月,國務院下發《關於加快發展體育產業促進體育消費的若干意見》的文件,要求做到2025年,體育產業總規模超過5萬億元人民幣。
  • 北京和張家口已經提出申辦2022年第二十四屆冬奧會,預計將帶動中國3億多人參與冰雪運動
  • 香港的體育發展政策
  • 發展體育除可令人民強身健體,亦可豐富群眾的精神文化生活
  • 發展體育和體育產業亦有助增強社會凝聚力和歸屬感
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