Date 12 November 2015 (Thursday)
Time 6:30 - 8:30pm
Venue 8-210 Multi-purpose Room, 8/F, Academic 3, CityU
Language Putonghua

Tracing One Hundred Years of Change, Illustrating the History - Tracing Wilson’s Journey
追尋百年曆史,見證環境變遷 - 重走威爾遜之路

Prof. YIN, Kaipu 印開蒲教授

Researcher, Chengdu Institute of Biology


[ Biography ]


One hundred years ago, the famous English botanist and horticulturalist Ernest Henry Wilson (1876-1930) collected different species of plants in Western China and took at the same time many valuable photos of the environment and society.  One hundred years later, Prof. Kaipu Yin, a Chinese ecologist, retraced E.H. Wilson’s steps and took the same journeys in Western China, pressed his camera shutter, and took the same pictures at the same places that E. H. Wilson visited a century ago.  Through the comparison of 250 sets of old and new photos, Prof. Yin’s work is a visual log of the sea change of the environment and society in Western China.  The book is the result of thirteen years of careful research and fieldwork.  It provides valuable information for scientists and experts of ecology, botany, horticulture, forestry, climatic science, environmental science, city planning, and mountain rescue management.  It can be used as a reference for researchers of history, culture, tourism, economy and ethnology.

College of Business of City University, with the generous support from Lee Woo Sing College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, is proud to present 100 of these old and new photos in a large-scale exhibition by the title “Tracing One Hundred Years of Change, Illustrating the History - Tracing Wilson’s Journey” from 4th to 17th November 2015 at 3rd Floor of Academic 3, City University of Hong Kong.  At the same time, we are pleased to invite Prof. Yin to give a public lecture where he would share powerful, touching stories of caution and hope in what he found in Western China, and a portrait of an unyielding spirit, against all odds, for the environmental protection and education of generations to come. That is the dream of an ecologist come true.

一百年前, 西方植物學家 Ernest H. Wilson 在中國採集植物的同時,拍攝了大量當時中國社會和環境的珍貴照片。一百年後,中國生態學者印開蒲沿著Ernest H. Wilson當年走過的路,在他拍攝照片的同一地點,重新按下了相機的快門。印老師的巨著《百年追尋 - 見證中國西部環境變遷》,通過250組連接百年的新舊對比照片和其中的故事,展示出一個世紀的巨變。可供生態、植物、園藝、林業、氣象、環保、城市規劃和山地災害防治等工作者參考。也可為從事中國西部地區歷史、文化、旅遊、經濟和民族學工作者提供重要的研究和參考質料。香港城市大學商學院在中文大學和聲書院協助下得到印老師親自挑選其中100幅新舊對比照片,將於本年11月4至17號期間於城大學術樓(三)三樓舉辦《追尋百年曆史,見證環境變遷 - 重走威爾遜之路》大型圖片展覽,並邀得印教授親臨分享他退休前後十三年追尋的過程,其中的險阻艱辛,驚喜豁達,老師以花甲之年完成不可能的事業,實教人激動。

The News of the City Seminar - Tracing One Hundred Years of Change, Illustrating the History - Tracing Wilson’s Journey:


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