
Wang Dao Sustainability Index, WDSI

Prof. Liu Chao-Shiuan 劉兆玄教授

President of Foundation of Chinese Culture for Sustainable Development


Professor Liu Chao-Shiuan is a well-known educator and politician in Taiwan. He is President of the Foundation of Chinese Culture for Sustainable Development. Born in Hunan province, Professor Liu studied in the department of chemistry at National Taiwan University. He received a master's degree from the University de Sherbrook and received a doctorate's degree from the University of Toronto. He has appointed as Premier of the Republic of China from May 2008 to September 2009.  He has served as President of National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan (1987-1993), President of Soochow University (2004-2008) and President of the General Association of Chinese Culture (2010-2016). Professor Liu has applied himself to the educational development in Taiwan, and enjoys a high reputation in academic and cultural circles.

Professor Liu believes the world can move towards sustainable development only by achieving balanced development in the economy, environmental protection and social justice. The idea of ‘Wang Dao’ in Chinese culture can help to rebuild order and value in the world. With the goal of global sustainable development, he has put forward the Wang Dao Sustainability Index (WDSI), integrating the Confucian idea – Wang Dao, into the international political, economic, social and environmental development.

劉兆玄教授是台灣知名的教育家和政治家,現任財團法人中華文化永續發展基金會董事長。劉教授出生於湖南衡陽,曾就讀於台灣大學化學系,於加拿大雪布克大學獲得碩士學位、加拿大多倫多大學獲得博士學位。之後在台灣致力於發展教育事業,於2008年5月至2009年9月出任台灣行政院院長、並曾擔任國立清華大學校長(1987 - 1993)、東吳大學校長(2004 - 2008)與中華文化總會會長(2010 - 2016),在學術界及文化界享有盛譽。
