Exchange Programme
College of Business - City University of Hong Kong AACSB International EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System

Schedule of Events for 2024/2025 Application

* Applicants may attend either IELTS or TOEFL
** All applicants are required to complete the application for the (i) College & Departmental Level Exchange Programmes but optional for (ii) Institutional Level Exchange Programmes. Interview is optional for (i) but priority will be given to applicants who have satisfactory performance in the CB interview. No interview is required for (ii).
*** Applicants who do not receive any offer for (i) will be nominated by the college to apply for (ii).
*** Applicants who receive offer in (i) are also required to register in AIMS to create an exchange record.

Event Date Details
English Language Proficiency Prepare for IELTS or TOEFL Before the test (i) Self-study at the English Language Self-Access Centre located in Room 4240, 4/F, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building for the language improvement such as IELTS Support
(ii) Applicants who have already attended IELTS or TOEFL should make sure their report is valid until end of October 2024 (within two years of your test date)
Attend IELTS organized by British Council or IDP* Register the test before mid-June 2024 (i) Register for “Academic Module”
(ii) Attend the test on or before 15 July 2024
Attend TOEFL* (i) Register for “iBT Test”
(ii) Have a Free Practice Test
(iii) Attend the test on or before 15 July 2024
(iv) Apply for the TOEFL Award for Hong Kong’s Outgoing Exchange Students and get a 10% discount on the test fee by entering the discount code when making application
Submit IELTS or TOEFL Report on or before 31 July 2024 Online Submission
(i) Upload the Report at “Upload Files” Section, and
(ii) Edit the Score at “Education” Section
(iii) Priority will be given to applicants who submit the report online before 31 July 2024
(iv) Late submission of report can be  accepted until 13 August 2024

“I’m Ready for Exchange”
Programme Briefing Session

25 June 2024
10:00 to 11:00

Room: 14-222, 14/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building

Application Period for College and Departmental Level Exchange Programmes** 1 to 31 July 2024 Online Application
(i) For studying abroad in Semester B 2024-2025
(ii) Offered by the College of Business (CB)
Individual Consultation Session 1 to 31 July 2024 Schedule a time from Mon to Fri for 30-min to have a consultation with the Internationalisation Team of the College of Business
Sharing Session with Alumni - Kin-Wan Chan

18 July 2024
15:00 to 16:00

(i) Room: 14-222, 14/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building
(ii) Applicants who register and attend the sharing session to introduce themselves to the speaker, one of the application requirement of taking a 1-minute video  (self-introduction) will be exempted.

Receive the interview schedule for the Departmental and College Level Exchange Programmes 5 August 2024 Receive e-mail from CB
Interview for College and Departmental Level Exchange Programmes** 13 to 15 August 2024 (i) Interview is optional for applicants but priority will be given to applicants who attended the interview with satisfactory performance
(ii) Arranged by CB
(iii) Face-to-face
Application Period for Institutional Level Exchange Programmes*** 12 August to 1 September 2024

(i) Compulsory for all applicants (for application of Institutional Level Exchange Prorgramme and also for registration of the exchange record for College & Departmental Level Exchange Programmes)
(ii) Login AIMS (Student Services > Outbound Student Exchange Application)
(iii) Interview is not required

Announcement of Result for Departmental and College Level Exchange Programmes 22 August 2024 Receive e-mail from CB
Briefing Session for Selected Students -
Departmental and College Level Exchange Programmes
23 August 2024
10:00 to 12:00

Room: 3614, 3/F, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building

Confirmation of Exchange Study-
Departmental and College Level Exchange Programmes
25 August 2024 Selected students need to confirm their exchange study online
Registration for Overseas University - Departmental and College Level Exchange Programmes September to October 2024 Registration for Overseas University
Announcement of Result for Institutional Level Exchange Programme 10 September 2024 Announced by CB
Acceptance of Offer 11 to 18 September 2024 (i) Login AIMS (Student Services > Outbound Student Exchange Application) to accept the offer, and
(ii) Settle caution money for the amount of $1,000 in AIMS
Briefing Session for Selected Students - Institutional Level Exchange Programme

11 September 2024
10:00 to 12:00

Room: 14-221, 14/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building
Briefing Session for Course Plan

12 September 2024
10:00 to 12:00

CSC-4307, 4/F, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building
Registration for Overseas University - Institutional Level Exchange Programme September to October 2024 Arranged by GEO
Sharing Session for Selected Students Late October 2024 (i) Organized by Exchange Student Club
(ii) Registration is required
(iii) Look for your buddies
Complete online Survey Late October 2024  
Pre-departure Training Late October 2024  
Departure January 2025