College of Business
AACSB International EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System

AC hosts farewell party for Prof Jeong Bon Kim

The Department of Accountancy (AC) organized a farewell party for Prof Jeong Bon Kim, Chair Professor of Accountancy, for his contributions as the Head of the Department for the past six years on 13th floor of Academic 3 on 3rd July.

Prof Kim thanked his colleagues for organizing the farewell and their support during his headship since June 2009.

“I especially want to thank the AC general office, without them I don't think I would be able to manage the Department of Accountancy in such a quiet manner.

Prof KK Wei and Prof Houmin Yan, former and current Dean of the College, respectively, had been very supportive to us, thank you for their trust in the Department. I would also like to send my thanks to the CB general office and IT team.

Thank you Provost and President; without their support, things could not have run so efficiently and smoothly.” Prof Kim continued.

“We have a bright future. Still, we need to take note of the changes in our surrounding, the way of thinking, mechanism, embodiment, and intelligibility – we need to be adaptive.” Prof Kim advised as he concludes his speech.

“The Department has great young members; I believe Prof Cheong Heon Yi, Acting Head of AC, will take the Department to new heights, not merely on research, but on the overall excellence.” Prof Kim concluded.

The gathering was served with a roasted pig, symbolizing great fortune in the future, along with beverages and other refreshments. Other CB faculty also attended the event.

We wish Prof Kim all the best in his future endeavours!

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