Prof. CHEN Youhua Frank (陳友華教授)

PhD - Management (University of Toronto)
MA - Economics (University of Waterloo)
BE - Mechanical Engg (Tsinghua University)

Chair Professor of Management Sciences

Prof. CHEN Youhua Frank (陳友華教授)

Contact Information

Address: 7-251, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building
City University of Hong Kong
Phone: +852 34428595
Fax: +852 34420189
Personal Web:
Public CV: Download

Research Areas

  • Inventory Models
  • Machine learning in supply chains
  • Emerging Issues in supply chains
  • Healthcare management

Youhua (Frank) Chen [陳友華] is Chair Professor of Management Science at City University of Hong Kong. He was Head of Deparment of Management Scineces  (1.2013 - 6.2020) and Dean briefly (7.2020-8.2021). His current research projects span from healthcare and service systems, logistics/supply chains, to machine learning applications in operations. As Project Coordinator, he has just completed a Theme-based Research Project  in healthcare management (2014-2019, $20.4M) and is current leading another large project of similar scale(see below).  Prof Chen holds a bachelor degree in Engineering, master degree in Economics, and doctoral degree in Management from Tsinghua University (Beijing), the University of Waterloo, and the University of Toronto, respectively. After finishing his PhD, he went to Northwestern University as a post-doc fellow (9/1996-6/1997). Prior to joining City University of Hong Kong, Prof. Chen was on the faculty of NUS Business School, National University of Singapore (7/1997-6/2001) and the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2001-2012), respectively.  Courses which Prof. Chen taught in NUS include Operations Management and Supply Chain Management, at both undergraduate and MBA levels. He was also actively involved in executive teaching (EDP and EMBA). At CUHK, he taught Logistics and Supply Chain Management, and served as the deputy director and director for the Executive Master of Science Program (EMSc) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, a joint program with Tsinghua University (Shenzhen). Prof. Chen has also been involved in consulting projects in the area of supply chain management and logistics.   管理科學講座教授,曾任管理科學系主任(2013-2020)及院長(7.2020-8.2021)。 清華大學工程本科,加拿大滑鐵盧大學經濟學碩士,多倫多大學管理學博士。曾任教於新加坡國立大學與香港中文大學,擔任過香港中文大學-清華大學高級管理人員物流和供應鏈管理碩士課程主任。主授供應鏈及運營管理課程,參與物流和供應鏈管理專案諮詢。研究興趣包括醫療/服務系統,物流/供應鏈管理, 及機器學習在運營中的應用。由他牽頭主持的醫院系統管理研究專案於2014年獲得香港研究資助局支持(2014-2019, 主題研究計畫/2千萬, 已結題), 目前主持中國銀行(香港)贊助的大型項目“頤年在家:家居護理新模式”(11.2020-10.2023)-RMGS。 另外,他也同時負責城大團隊與中科院等單位合作,承擔一項國家自然科學基金會關於中國物流發展的重大專案 (2019 結題)。 陳教授在管理領域頂尖期刊上發表的論文數量可觀,其中一篇文章被他人引用的次數在供應鏈管理領域名列前茅,影響很大。

Research Grant

  • "Project Coordinator: Home-based Aging for Transformative Community Care (10.2020-09.2023)", BOCHK Centenary Charity Programme - Bank of China HK , (2021-2024) , EK Yeoh (CUHK), Eliza Wong (CUHK), Stephen Shum, Hera Leung, et al.
  • co-PI: "Resilient PPE Supply Chains for Hong Kong Health Systems: Current and Post Covid-19 Pandemic", HK Research Council - CRF-RGC , Amount: $4.3M (2020-2024) , YAN Houmin (PC), CHEN Youhua Frank, LI Yanzhi David, S Joe QIN, SHUM Stephen,TSO Geoffrey, ZHANG QP, FUNG Hong,,WONG Eliza
  • PI: "New and Short-life-cycle Product Procurement Decisions: Machine Learning and Risk Control", HK Research Council - GRF-RGC , Amount: $580,000 (2020-2023) , David Li
  • PI: "On Demand Estimation and Newsvendor Ordering Decis", GRF-RGC - HK Research Council , Amount: $492,000 (2019-2021) , Frank Chen, Carl Hedenstierna, Jian Yang
  • "Project Coordinator 項目統籌人: Delivering 21st Century Healthcare in Hong Kong – Building a Quality-and-Efficiency Driven System; 為香港提供21世紀的醫療服務 - 構造一個品質與效率驅動的服務體系", Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) 主題研究計劃项目 - Research Grant Council (RGC) Hong Kong SAR, China 香港研究資助局 , Amount: HKD 20.45 million 20.45百万港币. Completed 已結題。 (2014-2019) , Team: CityU,CUHK,PolyU,HKU,Columbia:
  • PI: "Topic课题 - 「面向经济、社会和环境协调发展的物流系统基础理论」(项目批准号: 71390335)", Major Project 重大项目「面向经济、社会和环境协调发展的现代物流管理研究」 - National Natural Science Foundation of China , Amount: RMB2.8M/人民币280万元 (2014-2018) , Frank Chen 陳友華, Co-I's at CityU: H.M. Yan, Y.Z. Li, Y.V. Hui, J. Liu
  • PI: "On a Random Yield Problem with Non-zero Lead Times", , Amount: $880,800 (2014-2017) , Candi Yano and Quan Yuan
  • PI: "Distribution Requirement Planning and Inventory Policies for a Distribution Supply Chain with a Minimum Order Quantity", GRF - GRC , (2013-2016) , Chen, Zhou and Yang
  • PI: "Models for Production Operations and Emissions Permits Purchasing Decisions in the Presence of Emissions Trading Market", GRF - RGC , (2012-2015) , Chen, Yang
  • PI: "6 RGC Grants ", RGC Earmark - HK Research Council , Amount: 3.5M (2004-2011) , Frank Y Chen

External Links

My SSRN link - some working papers

Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews
Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works
  • Bish, Ebru K.; Chen, Frank Y.; Leong, Yin Thin; Nelson, Barry L.; Cheong Ng, Jonathan Wing; Simchi-Levi, David / Dispatching vehicles in a mega container terminal. 2007; Container Terminals and Cargo Systems: Design, Operations Management, and Logistics Control Issues. pp. 179-194
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