
Prof. YAN Hong 嚴洪教授

Acting Dean, College of Science and Engineering
Chair Professor of Computer Engineering
City University of Hong Kong


Hong Yan received his Ph.D. degree from Yale University. He was professor of imaging science at the University of Sydney and currently is professor of computer engineering at City University of Hong Kong. He was elected an IAPR fellow for contributions to document image analysis and an IEEE fellow for contributions to image recognition techniques and applications.

嚴洪獲得耶魯大學博士學位。他曾是悉尼大學電氣和信息工程系圖象科學教授,現任為香港城市大學計算機工程學講座教授。他在文檔圖像分析和圖像識別技術與應用方面作出貢獻而被選為IAPR Fellow和IEEE Fellow。