
Prof. LIU, Chain Tsuan 劉錦川教授

Center for Advanced Structural Materials, MBE Department, CSE
University Distinguished Professor (CSE)
City University of Hong Kong


Professor C.T. Liu is a member of National Academy of Engineering (NAE), USA, a foreign member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and an academician of Academia Silica Taiwan. He is currently a University Distinguished Professor of City University of Hong Kong. He served as a Professor and Distinguished Research Professor at University of Tennessee between 2005 and 2009; a Chair Professor under the World Class Scholar Program at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a Distinguished Professor at Auburn University, USA between 2005 and 2010. He is a world leader in the field of intermetallic and metallic materials.

He has done pioneer work on mechanistically understanding the brittle fracture in intermetallic alloys and intergranular fracture in noble refractory alloys, correlation of atomic structures of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with their unique mechanical properties, and hardening of ferritic steels with various nanoparticles. His innovative research has led to the design of new structural materials with superior mechanical properties for engineering applications. He has published more than 500 journal papers and been granted 29 US patents. In 1995, ISI had identified him as one of top five highly-cited authors in the materials field. Professor Liu has received numerous honours and awards, including Acta Metallurgica Gold Medal Award, the E.O. Lawrence Award (a US President award) from USDOE, Brown Engineering Alumni Award from Brown University, the first Henry J. Albert Award from IPMI, Fellow Awards from five professional societies – Japan Institute of Metals, the World Technology Network, TMS, ASM, and IPMI, four I•R 100 Competition Awards from Industrial Magazine USA. He was an editor and the Chief Editor of the International Journal of Intermetallics for almost 20 years.

劉錦川教授是美國工程院院士ˎ中國工程院外籍院士ˎ台灣中央研究院院士,現任香港城市大學科學及工程學院大學傑出教授。劉教授曾任美國橡樹嶺國家研究院金屬與陶瓷部研究員、合金行為與設計組組長、研究院院士(1967-2005), 美國田納西大學材料科學與工程系教授與傑出研究教授(2005-2009) , 香港理工大學機械工程系講座教授(2009-2011)。劉教授是國際著名的材料科學家。

劉教授在國際著名材料科學期刊、會議文集、手冊和百科全書上發表了500多篇學術論文。他的學術成果在國際材料科學同行中得到非常頻繁的引用。 1995年美國的科學資訊學會(ISI) 確認他為國際材料科學與工程領域論文引用率最高的5位作者之一。他從學術界、工業界和政府部門中獲得了許多的榮譽和獎章,其中包括2001年冶金材料期刊金質獎章、1998 年美國能源部的勞倫斯獎(EO Lawrence Award)—美國總統獎之一、 1998 年布朗大學工學院傑出校友金質獎章、1980年國際貴金屬學會的首屆亨利-阿爾博特獎、先後榮獲5個國際著名學會院士會員:日本金屬學會、世界科技聯席組織、美國礦業金屬材料聯合學會(TMS)、美國金屬學會(ASM)、貴重金屬學會(IPMI),先後四次獲得工業雜誌選出的IR100發明競賽獎。劉教授在新型結構材料研究領域做出了諸多具開創性研究,獲得了29項美國發明專利,並且擔任Journal of Intermetallics主編及Journal of Materials Research等期刊編輯。