
Prof. Feng Lin 林峰教授

Associate Dean and Professor of School of Law
Director of the Centre for Judicial Education and Research
City University of Hong Kong

LLB (Fudan, Shanghai), 1987, LLM (Victoria, Wellington), 1992, Ph.D (Peking U, Beijing), 1998; Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong; Associate Dean; Director of the Centre for Judicial Education and Research; Co-Editor-in-Chief, Asia Pacific Law Review; Barrister, England & Wales (non-practicing), and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; member, Law Reform Commission, HKSAR; Councilor, China Law Society. He was a visiting scholar to the East Asian Legal Studies Centre of the Harvard Law School in the Fall semester 2010, and Faculty of Law, Paris I, April, 2017. He is a guest professor at the Research Institute of Constitutionalism and Rule of Law of the Faculty of Law of Renmin University.

Professor Lin’s research interests include comparative constitutional law, administrative law, and environmental law. He has written extensively on Chinese constitutional law, administrative law, and Hong Kong Basic Law. He has focused his research on Hong Kong Basic Law and Chinese judicial reform in recent years. His recent publications in English include : The Future of Judicial Independence in China; Idealism and Realism in Chinese Constitutional Theory and Practice; The Expatriate Judges and Rule of Law in Hong Kong: Its Past, Present and Future; Constitutionality of Colocation of CIQ at West Kowloon High Speed Rail Terminus; Interaction between International Standards and Domestic Constitutional Norms – A Case Study of the Chief Executive Election in Hong Kong; and “From “Occupy Central” to Democracy: Is a Referendum for Hong Kong Feasible and Desirable?”.

1987年於復旦大學取得法學學士學位,1992年在新西蘭惠靈頓大學取得法學碩士學位, 1993年開始任教於香港城市大學法律學院,1998年取得北京大學博士學位。

現任香港城市大學法律學院教授、副院長,司法教育與研究中心主任,Asia Pacific Law Review (亞太法律評論)聯席主編,香港法律改革委員會委員,香港大律師公會基本法與人權專門委員會委員,香港執業大律師,中國法學院理事,中華司法研究會理事, 上海海聯會理事,香港法律教育基金會理事,香港心理健康基金會理事。

研究方向為比較憲法與行政法,香港基本法與環境法,已發表將近一百篇中英文論文和書本章節,三本專著和四本編著書籍。近年發表的中文書籍和文章有:《中國憲政的未來》 (2011),《香港特別行政區的行政訴訟:制度、立法與案例》 (2011),《論“一國兩制”與中國有關國家行為的規則或政策在香港司法實踐中的應用》 (2012), 《信訪、民主與法治—中國話題》 (2013),《基本法》第24條與香港永久性居民的法理定位(2013),《2013年香港基本法實施情況》 (2014), 《中國案例指導制度與香港判例制度之比較》,2015年第5期《清華法學》, 第99-114頁; “一國兩制”下香港“外籍法官”的角色演變, 《中外法學》,2016 年第5期,1149-1167頁; 一次釋法, 兩種反應– 對全國人大常委會就《香港基本法》第五次釋法的法理剖析,《一國兩制研究》,2017年第1期(總第31期),第11-20頁;2047年後的香港: “一國兩制”還是“一國一制”,《深圳大學學報人文社會科學版》,2017年1月, 第34卷第1期(總第163期),第37-43頁。