
Mr Andrew Fan Ka-fai 范家輝先生

Chairman of China and Strategic Advisor of New Global Opportunity Innovation Team
Nu Skin Enterprises Inc.

Mr. Andrew Fan graduated from City University of Hong Kong. When he was an undergraduate student, he acted as the chairman and acting president of the Students’ Union. In 2006, he was the founding chairperson of convocation for CityU. In 2009, Mr. Fan was named as an Honorary Fellow by CityU and member of the University Council, and was honored with the University’s first Distinguished Alumni Award. In 2012, Mr. Fan was appointed again as an executive member of the University Council.

Mr. Fan has over 30 years of experience in direct selling and serviced NU SKIN for 26 years. He supported opening of 12 NU SKIN markets in Asia, and was the regional president of Southeast Asia, and Greater China respectively. In addition, Mr. Fan was a board director at the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations, two-term chairman at the Hong Kong Direct Selling Association, and an executive committee member at the Direct Selling Association of Singapore.

Mr. Fan continues to lead and deploy NU SKIN’s Mission of FORCE FOR GOOD; he initiated over 50 projects for the needs and chaired NU SKIN Greater China Children Heart Fund and NU SKIN FFG Foundation. He is also honorary president of the City University of Hong Kong Foundation, a council member of the China Foundation for Disabled Persons, chairman of Microfinance Fund at the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, honorary life president of the China Star Light Charity Fund, and a director of Jilin University Education Foundation. In 2011, he was also granted the Royal Thai Red Cross First Class Gold Medal of Appreciation.

Mr. Fan currently resides in Shanghai but continues to concern people and affairs of Hong Kong. In 2015, the Shanghai Hong Kong Association was established and Mr. Fan is a vice-chairman. Meanwhile, Mr. Fan is a standing member and a deputy director for membership affairs at the Shanghai’s Overseas Friendship Association, vice-chairman of Fengxian’s Overseas Friendship Association, a CPPCC member of Fengxian, and an invited special member of CPPCC of the Jilin province.


范先生從事直銷業超過30年;專任NU SKIN集團26年,曾負責開拓NU SKIN在亞洲12個市場,又先後出任東南亞區及NU SKIN大中華區域總裁。同時,歷任世界直銷協會聯盟董事、世界直銷協會亞太區諮詢委員、香港直銷協會兩屆主席、新加坡直銷協會理事及會員事務委員。

范先生一直對NU SKIN善的力量身體力行,先後發起並推動超過50個慈善項目,歷任如新中華兒童心臟病基金會主席、如新善的力量基金會主席、香港城市大學基金榮譽會長、中國殘疾人福利基金會理事、中國扶貧基金會5.12小額信貸基金會主席、中國星火基金會永遠名譽會長、吉林大學教育基金會理事等。2011年,范先生獲泰王頒賜、女王儲詩琳通公主殿下親授泰國紅十字一等金勳章。
