Why CityUHK Global EMBA

A Well-established EMBA in
Hong Kong

CityUHK's Global EMBA programme is one of the most well-established EMBA programmes in Hong Kong with 28 years of history. Since its inception in 1997, the programme has attracted numerous high-caliber business professionals, fostering leadership, innovation, and technological advancement.

Blended Learning Mode

Featuring a blend of in-person and online courses, the Global EMBA provides participants with the flexibility to balance their professional and personal commitments.

Flexible Curriculum

The programme allows students to have the flexibility to design their curriculum by selecting a combination of Residential Courses, Online Core Courses, Electives, and Global Learning Tour, as long as they meet the minimum required number of courses.

Student Community

The Global EMBA will be of particular interest to global-Asian and Hong Kong senior executives, and aims to serve students from multicultural backgrounds who wish to gain access to fast-growing emerging markets, including ASEAN, Belt and Road countries and Greater Bay Area in the Mainland China.

Industry Immersive Experience

The residential courses are designed to offer students an unique opportunity to engage in sharing sessions conducted by industry experts. These sessions provide invaluable first-hand exposure to real-world practices, industry settings, and insights on corporate strategies.

Overseas Learning Experience

To provide participants with a global perspective, the Global EMBA programme includes a guaranteed summer study tour at Cambridge University, allowing them to gain deeper insights into global business dynamics. Students can choose more than one study tour throughout the programme.