College of Business
AACSB International EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System
City Seminar (香港席明納)
網絡思維:萬物相連的10種方式 Network Thinking: 10 Ways to See How the World is Connected

Abstract: The term “network thinking” is obviously closely related to currently trendy buzzwords such as “internet thinking”, “big data thinking”, and “computational thinking”. However, network thinking focuses on the connections or ties among human actors such as individuals, events, institutions, nations, etc. There is also nothing new in this relational orientation. What’s unique about network thinking is that it goes beyond popular clichés, e.g., “everything is related to everything else” or “the world is flat”, to explore what ties are effective, what ineffective, and what even counterproductive. In this talk, I’ll introduce 10 pairs of competing ties, including direct or indirect ties, one-way or two-way ties, bilateral or multilateral ties, manifested or hidden ties, strong or weak ties, positive or negative ties, unweighted or weighted ties, assortative or disassortative ties, and static or evolving ties. Through continuous empirical studies, network scientists have uncovered the conditions and mechanisms for some of the ties but remained unknown about other ties. “網絡思維”與近來大熱的“互聯網思維”、“大數據思維”、“計算思維”等密切相關,但不盡然。網絡思維聚集於人物、事件、機構、國家等“行動者”之間的關系或連接。這也並非新思維。“宇宙萬物相連”、“世界是扁平的”等理念,早已廣為人知。網絡思維的核心價值在於超越這些泛泛之談,具體探究哪些關系有效、哪些無效、哪些甚至負面效果。本講座將介紹其中10組相對立的關系,包括直接或間接連接、單向或雙向連接、雙邊或多邊連接、正式或非正式連接、明顯或隱藏連接、強或弱連接、正面或負面連接、無權重或有權重連接、同配或異配連接、靜態或動態連接。基於大量實證研究,網絡科學家們已經弄清部分連接的生成條件和工作機制,但對其它連接仍有待深入探討。
Date: Nov 3 (Thu), 2016 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Time: 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Speaker: 祝建華教授 Prof. Jonathan J. H. Zhu
Venue: Room 8-210, 8/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, CityU