Department of Management Sciences

What is HKCSI?

The Hong Kong Consumer Satisfaction Index (HKCSI) is a newly developed Hong Kong-wise consumer satisfaction index. It represents the satisfaction level of Hong Kong consumers towards the quality of most products (commodities and services) sold in Hong Kong.

How it is obtained?

It is based on the opinions of more than 150,000 successful interviews in the last twelve years using a computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) system. Over sixty goods and services are covered in the calculation of the index.

What are included?

They include durable items such as motor vehicles, electrical appliances, housing etc.; monopolies such as electricity, town gas etc.; consumable items such as newspapers, fresh meat, alcohol etc.; medium term items such as clothes, shoes, mobile phones etc., and four Government services. These items account for more than 75% of the weightings in the Hong Kong Consumer Price Index (HKCPI).

What does HKCSI mean?

The index has a maximum of 100 indicating total satisfaction and a minimum of 0 indicating total dissatisfaction. The HKCSI scored 69.1, 69.5, 70.1, 70.2 and 69.1 respectively from 2006 to 2010.