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Name: XING Qian (2019-2020)
Current Position:
 Business & Integration Arch Analyst, Accenture

光陰荏苒,在香港城市大學運營與供應鏈管理項目上學習的日子匆匆結束,短暫又令人難忘。 項目的各課程內容設置科學,又相互聯繫。教授們利用真實數據,聯繫實際案例,深入淺出、抽絲剝繭的講解每一個知識點,這樣真實的沉浸式學習體驗和實用化的案例剖析方法,都十分有助於我對知識有更深入的理解,也更自信和從容的面對之後真實的職場。



GONG Zheng

Name: GONG Zheng (2019-2020)
Current Position:


TANG Rongsui

Name: TANG Rongsui (2018-2020)
Current Position:
Senior Supply Manager, a leading global provider of Information and Communication Technology infrastructure and smart devices

It takes commitment and dedications to finish OSCM program in City U’s College of Business. It is demanding and challenging but rewarding. This program enhances my skills and practices, and equips me with new ones, providing me with the tools needed to excel in my career. There is a global community and professionals who can share ideas with on new things with networking opportunities and discussion forums. This programme opens up a wealth of advantage and makes a real difference in my life.

Name: Shuo Rao (2014-15)
Current Position: 
Project coordinator, an Aerospace Telecommunication company (某航天科技公司)

CityU’s OSCM program provides me a solid foundation of Supply Chain Management, various analytical tools for practical uses, and also plenty of extracurricular activities. Base on my studies on SCM in the past few years, I found this major can be applied to different industry and the scope of your career opportunities will not be limited to a specific area.

WEI Mengduo

Name: WEI Mengduo, Raymond (2014-15)
Current Position: 
ERP Support Officer, Carrefour Global Sourcing Asia Limited.(HK)

Being a graduate of MScOSCM is one of the most amazing things in my life. Outstanding professors, convenient facilities and rich resources are all at your service. The experience in projects and activities strengthened myself both academically and mentally. If you do have willingness to pursue SCM knowledge, the resources OSCM provides you can be enough to equip you with high competency and professional perspective in job-hunting and daily work.

This program definitely changed my life and I believe you will also be grateful and confident as me after one year's unforgettable life in CityU.

XIE Bo Jun

Name: XIE Bo Jun (2014-15)
Current Position: 
Data Mining Engineer in an insurance company



ZHANG Runqing

Name: ZHANG Runqing (2014-15)
Current Position: 
Assistant Inventory Manager, Walmart China.

The City University of Hong Kong offers me a very good platform for further study. From the library resources to the learning environment, it is a very outstanding choice for students. The Operations and Supply Chain Management major of CityU provides me lots of senses in the analyzing and models. This major helps me a lot in recent position, not only in my own business development but also in the daily chat with other inventory managers in the modelling setting. Students can really learn mo

Name: ZHANG, Huishu (2013-15)
Current Position:
 Student once on exchange at Germany

Application and preparation

When I first heard that there was such an exchange program within our department, I was so excited because gaining some overseas experience would be beneficial. Many other students were also looking forward to this program. Since there were so many of us, we even create a WeChat group to discuss and share related information. We wrote tons of emails asking Professor David Li, Dora, and Winnie about everything of the program. Their detailed answers helped us to get a general picture of the whole program: [ Read more ]

LI Zhenbang

Name: LI Zhenbang (2013-14)
Current Position: 

城大的企業運營與供應鏈管理學碩士課程對我的職業發展起了非常大的催化劑作用。深造之前曾在沃爾瑪中國總部負責一線的採購與供應鏈庫存管理分析工作。因此,上課或研究案例的時候能更好的理解其中精髓。其次,該門課程提供了很多分析工具和方法,這有益於日後的工作並訓練了我的分析思路。再有,該課程也幫我重新系統地梳理瞭如何從企業層面進行有效的供應鏈的管理,更重要的是培養了我如何用更宏觀的視角對產業鏈上下游進行分析。 需要強調的是,城大的企業運營與供應鏈管理課程提供的應用研究畢業項目非常實用,對我職業非常貢獻巨大。

PENG Zhaoyu

Name: PENG Zhaoyu (2013-14)
Current Position: 


Oliver Mattheis

Name: Oliver Mattheis (2013-14)
Current Position: 
Supply Chain Collaboration Manager at Gibson Innovations

The City University of Hong Kong offers a terrific study environment in the center of Hong Kong. Beside excellent studying and learning facilities with the newest technology, the University also provides outstanding sport facilities leading to a great work-life balance. Studying in Hong Kong offered me to experience an international environment and allowed me to improve my intercultural skills. The program MSc Operations Supply Chain Management allowed me to study the theory combined with practical insights from various guest speakers out of different industries and sectors.

QIN Chao

Name: QIN Chao (2013-14)
Current Position: 
Risk Consultant at an Internet Credit Rating company

MscOSCM 不僅僅是一個學習的經歷,還提供了我人生中許多種可能。在課程中,教授會模擬現實中供應鏈管理的場景,讓我從真實的場景思考,通過建立模型去增加利潤,縮減成本;我也有參觀很多優秀公司的機會,聆聽管理者在運營上的經驗和麵臨的挑戰;還能得到在香港優秀公司中鍛煉的機會,比如Parkn Shop,HIT,Cigna Insurance,Kerry Logistics,etc;BTW,我也通過和公司合作,解決了就業問題。總的來說,這一年的學習經歷是非常豐富而忙碌的。唯一遺憾的是只有一年的學習生涯。

TIN Yik Keung,Sam TIN

Name: TIN Yik Keung, Sam TIN (2013-14)
Current Position: 
An Entrepreneur, the Founder of Makeup Gallery Limited and Shenzhen Yiteng Information Technology Co., Ltd.


Name: ZHOU, Jia (2013-14)
Current Position:
Senior Analyst at a consulting company

The year at CityU’s MScOSCM program was an unforgettable experience. My only regret was one year seemed too short. I wish I could spent more time learning from my lovely peers and knowledgeable professors.

Through the well-organized courses, I gained much knowledge on operation and supply chain management. Quite different from the classes in mainland, here curiosity and active learning were encouraged. In the classes, my mind was greatly opened and learning was not boring, instead, it was of great fun. I had many favorite courses. For example, supply chain management gave me a comprehensive idea about how business works and benefits from integrated supply chain. Also, I learned about the new popular trend of supply chain finance. The course not only taught classical ideas, but also provided cutting-edge ideas. What’s more, project management trained me to see the big picture, in other word, “think big and do small”. I also got familiar with time management and risk management, which helped me to take balance when making choices. Game theory gave me the introduction to strategic thinking, and I had much fun when dealing with different “dilemma” from the courses. The courses were all beyond my expectation -- learning became part of my life and I felt fulfillment -- any other things more exciting than that? [ Read more ]

Cheng Liyang

Name: CHENG, Liyang (2012-13)
Current Position: 
Interpreter/Field Administrator for A subcontractor of Black & Veatch

What benefits me most is that CityU, as well as MScOSCM, is always keeping current on what's happening out there. Some theories might be old, but they get rejuvenated when you apply them on the latest topics. It's a great mindset to always keep updated, which is also the key to the SCM.

WANG, Annie

Name: WANG, LAnnie (2012-13)
Current Position:
Controller at a Sourceing Firm, at MGB

 CityU’s MScOSCM enhanced my career development a lot. It provided me a set of useful toolkit as a solid foundation to analyze and understand the business. I learned many models and theories, most of which are very practical and applicable in the real business environment. Besides the knowledge taught in class, I also learned how to do research and how to find or build a proper model to solve a specific problem. Actually, this program also provided us a great opportunity to practice in the real business world. Thanks to its good connection with the world famous companies, such as Lenovo, ParknShop,etc, students could earn project-based consulting experience during the one year study.

XIE Shihong

Name: XIE Shihong (2012-13)
Current Position: 
Service Depot Supervisor, SF Express Delivery Business Group


Name: ZHANG, Shuang Summer
Current Position:
Sourcing analyst at a UK sports, outdoor and fashion brand management company

MScOSCM program is not just an education. It is a career changing opportunity for me to embark on a promising professional life in Supply Chain. Via this program, I sharpened my knowledge and skill set, which enable me to uncover savvy supply chain solutions and industry best practices. If you aspire to assume an analytical job in supply chain as I do, be sure to elevate your data analysis and IT skills via courses such as Managerial Decision Modeling and E-Logistics & ERP. The IT knowledge, data analysis methodology and problem solving approach I gained from this program have helped me design innovative supply chain solutions to succeed in a fast-moving business environment.