Prof. SIA Choon Ling (謝俊霖教授)

PhD - Information Systems (Group Support Systems) (National University of Singapore)

Associate Dean (Research and Faculty)

Prof. SIA Choon Ling (謝俊霖教授)

Contact Information

Address: 6-269, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building
City University of Hong Kong
Phone: +852 34426649
Fax: +852 34420489
Personal Web:

Research Areas

  • Electronic Commerce
  • Knowledge Management
  • Distributed Work Arrangements
  • Virtual Organizations
  • Team Support Systems
  • Green IS & Sustainability
  • Systems Analysis and Design

Choon Ling Sia is Professor at the City University of Hong Kong and AIS Fellow (2015). He received his Ph.D. degree from the National University of Singapore. He is Director of Center of Social Media Marketing and Business Intelligence at the City University of Hong Kong. He is serving, or has served, on the editorial boards of MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of the AIS, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Global Information Management, Information and Management, and Journal of Database Management. His research interests include electronic commerce, social media, cross-cultural issues in information systems, knowledge management, distributed work arrangements, and computer-mediated communication. His research work has been published in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of International Business Studies, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Information and Management, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Internet Research, Information and Software Technology, International Journal of Information Management, among others.


Award Title Institution
AIS Fellow Association for Information Systems (AIS)

Teaching Areas

  • Management Information Systems and Electronic Commerce
  • Information Systems Construction
  • Social Science Research Methods

Research Grant

  • PI: "Center for Social Media Marketing and Business Intelligence", Interdisciplinary Fund - City University of Hong Kong , Amount: HK$2,500,000 (2012-2015) , Choon Ling Sia, Yer Van Hui, Jeff Jianfeng Wang
  • PI: "Recommendation Agents: Impact of Recommendation Source and Timing on Consumer Decisions", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong , Amount: HK$180,000 (2012-2014) , Choon Ling Sia, Chuan Hoo Tan, Amy Yani Shi
  • PI: "A Study of Web Strategies for Ingrouping of Outgroup Endorsers in Online Webstores", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong , Amount: HK$124,416 (2010-2012) , Choon Ling Sia, Chuan Hoo Tan
  • PI: "Online Review Credibility from an Elaboration-Likelihood Perspective", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong , Amount: HK$180,000 (2008-2010) , Sia Choon Ling, Cheung Man Yee Cindy, Kuan Kam-yung Kevin
  • PI: "Knowledge Sourcing Across Cultures: Impacts of Formality of Knowledge Sources and Equivocality", Competitive Earmarked Research Grant - Hong Kong Research Grants Council , Amount: HK$ 534,390.00 (2008-2009) , Sia Choon Ling
  • PI: "Getting to Know Websites through Uncertainty Reduction Strategies: Which Strategies are Used More, and Which are Better? An Empirical Study of First-time Visitors", Competitive Earmarked Research Grant - Hong Kong Research Grants Council , Amount: HK$575,174.00 (2005-2006) , Sia Choon Ling
  • PI: "Web Strategies to Build Trust in the Digital Economy: Are They Equally Effective for Initial Versus Ongoing Buying Relationships?", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong , Amount: HK$174,200 (2004-2006) , Sia Choon Ling
  • PI: "Web Strategies to Build Trust in the Digital Economy: Gaining Insights on the Effects of Customer Endorsement Messages ", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong , (2002-2004) , Sia Choon Ling
  • PI: "Working in the New Millennium: A Study of Executives’ Predispositions to Adopt Virtual Work Environments ", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong , Amount: HK$200,000 (2001-2003) , Sia Choon Ling
  • PI: "Organizational Predisposition towards Distributed Work Arrangements: Exploring the Effects of the Environment, Risk Perceptions and Organizational Culture ", Strategic Research Grant (SRG) - City University of Hong Kong , Amount: HK$166,140 (1999-2001) , Sia Choon Ling

Administrative Assignments

Period Name Position
7/2012 - Now Center for Social Media Marketing and Business Intelligence Director
2011 - 2013 Department Performance Appraisal Committee (DPAC) Member
2006 - 2013 Departmental Staffing Committee (DSC) Member
12/2010 - 11/2012 College Academic Conduct Committee Member
2009 - 2012 Department Associate Head
2009 - 2012 BBA Marketing Information Management (MIM) Program Leader
8/2011 First-Year Teaching Excellence Award Committee Panel Judge
2006 - 2009 Programme Planning Team for BBA Marketing Information Management Member
2004 - 2008 Departmental Student Exchange Advisor Advisor
2004 - 2008 Departmental Supplemental Instruction Coordinator Coordinator
2005 - 2006 Programme Planning Team of DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) Programme  
2005 - 2006 Departmental Staffing Committee (Pay Raise Review) Member
2004 - 2006 Departmental Student Mentorship Program Coordinator Coordinator
2004 MSc Electronic Commerce program Panel Member
2004 Departmental TLQPR (Teaching and Learning Quality Process Review) Coordinator for Research Postgraduate Education Coordinator
2002 MSc Electronic Commerce Panel Member
2000 MAIS (eBusiness) Program Planning Team Member
2000 BBA (eCommerce) Program Planning Team Member

Consultancy Experience and Executive Training

Year Client Role
1/2009 - Now Clarkson University, School of Business External Assessor for Tenure and Promotion
4/2008 Agency for Science, Research & Technology (A*STAR) Grant Reviewer
5/2007 National Research Foundation of Singapore Grant Reviewer

Professional Activities

Period Client Country / Region Role
2013 ICIS 2013 United States of America Track Chair, Human-Computer Interaction Track
5/2011 - 5/2012 Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing - Honorary Advisor
1/2009 - 12/2010 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems Executive Committee - Secretary
2009 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2009, Hyderabad India - Track Co-Chair
9/2008 14th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2008) United States of America Program Committee
2008 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2008 China Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair
2008 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2008) France Associate Editor,
2008 AMIGE 2008, IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Global Enterprises China Track Co-Chair
2007 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM’07) Australia Programme Committee
2007 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2007) Canada Associate Editor, “Global Information Technology Issues” Track
2007 13th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2007) Argentina Program Committee
2007 Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2007) New Zealand Track Co-Chair, "Decision, Collaborative & Open Source Technologies” Track
2006 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2006) United States of America Associate Editor, “Global IT Management” Track
2006 Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2006) Malaysia Panels and Tutorials Co-Chair
2006 First International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM'06) China Program Committee
2006 12th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2006) Spain Program Committee

External Academic Activities

Period Organizer Country / Region Role
2017 - Now Information Systems Research United States of America Associate Editor
1/2011 - Now Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS) United States of America Senior Editor
2008 - Now Hong Kong Polytechnic University - External Examiner of DBA Theses
2002 - Now Journal of Database Management, Published by Idea Group Publishing United States of America Member of Editorial Board
2000 - Now Information & Management, Published by Elsevier Science North-Holland Member of Editorial Board
3/2012 - 6/2016 Journal of Global Information Management United States of America Editor-in-Chief
2012 - 2014 Lingnan University, Department of Computing and Decision Sciences - Department Academic Adviser
5/2010 - 7/2013 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management United States of America Member of Editorial Board
4/2010 - 3/2013 Open University of Hong Kong China (Hong Kong) External Examiner
2010 - 2013 Open University of Hong Kong - External Examiner
4/2009 - 12/2010 Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS) United States of America Member of Editorial Board
8/2010 - 9/2010 Hong Kong Polytechnic University China (Hong Kong) External Examiner (DBA Thesis - Mr Tony Yip)
2008 Nanyang Technological University Singapore External Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2008 Hong Kong Polytechnic University China (Hong Kong) External Examiner (DBA Thesis)
2005 - 2008 MIS Quarterly, Published by The Management Information Systems Research Center at the University of Minnesota and The Association for Information Systems United States of America Associate Editor
2007 The Open University of Hong Kong China (Hong Kong) External Programme Assessor for Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Business Information Systems
2007 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology China (Hong Kong) External Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2006 Nanyang Technological University Singapore External Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2006 The Open University of Hong Kong China (Hong Kong) External Programme Assessor for Master of Electronic Commerce, Bachelor of Electronic Commerce with Honours, Bachelor of Electronic Commerce, Associate of Electronic Commerce
2006 American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2006) Mexico program committee
2005 Deakin University Australia External Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2005 Nanyang Technological University Singapore External Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2005 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University China (Hong Kong) External Examiner (MPhil Thesis)
2005 The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) Bangkok/Thailand Track Co-Chair of “Social or Cultural Issues in IT”
2004 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University China (Hong Kong) External Examiner (PhD Thesis)
2004 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) USA/Washington DC Associate Editor of “Information Systems Innovation, Usage & Impacts” Track
2004 The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) China/Shanghai Track Chair of “Knowledge Management and e-Learning”
2002 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Spain/Barcelona Associate Editor of “Innovation, Strategy and Change” Track
2002 The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) Japan/Tokyo Member of Program Committee
2002 The International Conference on E-Business (ICEB) China/Beijing Member of Program Committee
2001 The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) Korea/Seoul Member of Program Committee
2000 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2000) USA/California Co-chair, Mini Track on “Adoption and Diffusion of Electronic Commerce”


Journal Publications and Reviews
Conference Papers
Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works