Prof. HE Jingyu (何靖宇教授)

PhD - Econometrics and Statistics (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
MBA - Business Administration (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
MS - Statistics (The University of Chicago)
BS - Statistics (University of Science and Technology of China)

Assistant Professor

Prof. HE Jingyu (何靖宇教授)

Contact Information

Address: 7-278, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building
City University of Hong Kong
Phone: +852 34424753
Fax: +852 34420189
Personal Web:

Dr. He's research interests include machine learning in finance, empirical asset pricing, and Bayesian statistics. His research work has appeared in leading statistics, finance and econometrics journals.


Award Title Institution
Best Paper Award 2024 China Fintech Research Conference
2022 INQUIRE Europe Research Grant Award INQUIRE Europe

Research Grant

  • PI: "Are asset pricing models sparse?", HKRGC - General Research Fund , (2025-2027) , Jingyu He, Doron Avramov
  • PI: "Regression Tree for Portfolio Optimization and Imbalanced Data", General Research Fund - HKRGC , (2023-2025) , Jingyu He, Xin He, Guanhao Feng
  • PI: "What Stocks are Predictable by Machine Learning? Find Heterogenity of Stocks by Firm Characteristics", Strategic Research Grant - City University of Hong Kong , (2023-2025) , Jingyu He
  • "Financial Systemic Risk Measures based on Monte Carlo Simulation: Theory and Methods", NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme - NSFC/RGC , (2022-2025) , Jeff Hong, Guangwu Liu, Zhi Chen, Jingyu He
  • PI: "XBART: A Novel Tree-Based Machine Learning Framework for Regression, Classification and Treatment Effect Estimation", Early Career Scheme - HKRGC , (2022-2023) , Jingyu He
  • PI: "Elliptical Slice Sampler for Hierarchical Models in Marketing", Start-Up Grant - City University of Hong Kong , (2021-2023) , Jingyu He


Journal Publications and Reviews
Working Papers
Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works