Date 9 November 2017 (Thursday)
Time 6:30 - 8:30pm
Venue Eminence Galaxy – Alumni Function Room, 11/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, CityU
Language Putonghua

HK's Anti-corruption Regime - The Inspiration to the Anti-Corruption Movement in Mainland China

Prof. Feng Lin 林峰教授

Associate Dean and Professor of School of Law
Director of the Centre for Judicial Education and Research
City University of Hong Kong

[ Biography ]


Hong Kong is internationally renowned for her pioneering role in the fight against corruption. Her anti-corruption regime is not only regarded as highly successful in the greater China region, but also in Asia and the whole world. The Seminar would discuss the reasons how HK managed to transform into a clean society within a relatively short period of time, and analyse the core institution of HK’s anti-corruption regime, i.e. the Independent Commission Against Corruption ( ICAC): its mission, powers, structure and procedure. Meanwhile the Seminar presents an anatomy of some classic precedents the ICAC had handled in various different eras. To realise the goal of building a clean society, apart from a robust system of combatting corruption crimes, the Seminar shall elaborate on the positive impact of community education on corruption fighting in effective prevention of corruption. Surely HK’s anti-corruption regime is far from being perfect, the Seminar will also discuss the shortcomings of the current anti-corruption regime. On this basis, in its concluding remarks, the Seminar will talk about what experiences in HK’s anti-corruption strategy are worth borrowing for Mainland China’s anti-corruption movement, which is in its full swing, not just for the past 5 years but the coming 5 years as well.

香港的廉政建設不僅在大中華區域內而且在亞洲乃至世界上都可以說是非常成功的。本講座將討論香港能夠在相對短的時間內轉變成為一個廉潔社會的原因,分析香港廉政建設的核心機構 – 廉政公署 – 的使命、權力、架構以及程序。同時講座還將剖析數個不同時代廉政公署所處理的典型案例。為了實現廉政,除了有效打擊貪污犯罪之外,講座還闡述廉政教育在有效防止貪污方面的積極作用。當然,香港的廉政建設並非完美無缺,講座也會討論香港現行廉政制度的不足之處。在此基礎之上,講座將總結香港的廉政建設中有哪些經驗是值得中國大陸不僅過去五年而且今後的五年都將會處於如火如荼的反貪運動借鑒的。


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