Financial Computing Laboratory

Financial Computing Laboratory (FCL)

FCL aims to facilitate applied research and student consulting works on the use of technology to solve managerial issues of financial services. Research areas include:

  • Algorithm trading
  • Big data finance
  • Intelligent customer profiling 
  • Hedge fund management
  • Stock selection
  • Financial forecasting
  • Financial fraud tracking
  • Anti-money-laundering detection
  • Social network analysis for financial analysis
  • Investor risk profiling
  • Financial derivatives pricing
  • Macro and systemic risk prediction
  • Mobile platforms and apps for financial services
  • Intelligent services management for financial institutions
  • Intelligent risk management process

Supporting academic units include College of Business, and Department of Economics and Finance.



Prof. DU Jintao
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics and Finance
Prof. LI Tao
Department of Economics and Finance
Prof. WONG Chak Sham Michael
Associate Dean (Global Executive Programmes)
Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Finance

Contact Us


Financial Computing Laboratory
College of Business
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Avenue
Hong Kong 
