College of Business

The College of Business at City University of Hong Kong aims to be a globally-oriented business school at the forefront of business ideas and knowledge: a key business education hub – in China for the world.

To consolidate our position as a centre of academic and professional excellence, the China Business and Economic Development Research Centre (CBRC) is established to:

  • Advance the frontiers of business knowledge.
  • Educate our future business leaders with a global orientation.
  • Produce innovative and relevant research that enriches the understanding and practice of business.
  • Develop business leaders with a broad understanding of the China marketplaces.
  • Contribute to the welfare of our faculty members and staff, students, alumni, university, business partners, nation, and the world at large. 

Call for Proposals

CBRC Business/Industry-related Projects

As more and more researchers in the College of Business (CB) are engaging in China-related research, the China Business and Economic Development Research Center (CBRC) is calling for proposals to support interdisciplinary collaborations among different business fields on topics related with China business and economic development. These topics broadly include business or industry related research projects with the aim to advance our CB’s influence on China-related research. 

Applicants should submit proposals using the form below. The deadline for submission of proposals is 30 June 2015.

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