The Centre for Advanced Business Research and Executive Education (Shenzhen)

The Centre for Advanced Business Research and Executive Education welcomes visitors from all over the world. Located on the 2/F in the CityU Shenzhen Research Institute Building, the Centre is well equipped to host cutting edge executive education. The Centre is designed to act as a strategic focal point for the College's activities in Guangdong Province. The Centre has an executive auditorium with break-out rooms, three teaching studios equipped with multi-media facilities, an office with dedicated supporting staff, and a lounge area of more than 10,000 square feet.

Executive Auditorium

The executive auditorium is a key setup of the Centre which can accommodate up to 50 executives. Teaching can further be facilitated by small group discussions in the six break-out rooms within the auditorium. State-of-the-art Information Communication Technology equipment and Audio-Visual facilities are also available with broadband Internet access, wireless Internet, LCD projection and video conferencing systems - all available to extend the learning experience beyond the classroom.

Executive Lounge

The Executive lounge makes a cozy environment for our students to relax after class. Coffee machines, vending machines, and Internet stations are available. The lounge can also be converted to a pre-function waiting area or a refreshment area with food and beverages.

Multi-media Studio

Multi-media Studio is fully equipped with audio and visual facilities flexibly configured to suit students' needs. 46 notebook PCs are installed in the room for teaching specialized business software.

Teaching Studio A & B

The two well-equipped individual teaching studios can be combined into one for large class teaching and seminars.

Research Office

A spacious office that could accommodate 40 staff and students to conduct research and to exchange ideas of their specialized fields.


CityU Shenzhen Research Institute Building
2/F, CityU Shenzhen Research Institute Building, 8 Yuexing 1st Road, Shenzhen Hi-tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

1. 從香港九龍塘地鐵站旁乘深西特快直通巴士至深圳灣口岸(車程約45分鐘),再轉乘的士至虛擬大學園科苑南路往辦公室或白石路往大樓(車程約3分鐘)。

2. 從羅湖口岸乘的士沿濱海大道往南山方向行駛,見沙河西路指示牌後進入輔道行駛,到科苑路右拐至虛擬大學園往辦公室或白石路往大樓(車程約30分鐘)。

3. 從羅湖口岸乘地鐵至深大站(車程約40分鐘),步行約5分鐘至深圳虛擬大學園或大樓。