Research Centre on One-Belt-One-Road
UNECE Tsing Hua University


一帶一路: 中國視角的全球化和對新秩序的探索

孫宇 (香港城市大学新絲路研究中心高級硏究助理)

自2013年一帶一路倡議提出以來,「一帶一路」成為了中國社會的熱詞,也成為中國經濟外交的核心議題。然而,一帶一路的概念卻一直不甚清晰,給人以「宏大」而「模糊」的印象,似乎沒有人能夠精準的解釋和概括一帶一路倡議的全部內涵 。「什麼是一帶一路?」、「中國為什麼提出一帶一路?」、「各國該如何參與?」、「一帶一路給私營企業和個人帶來什麼樣影響?」等等一系列最基本的問題,似乎都沒有明確的答案,模糊的概念留下了巨大的解釋和討論的空間,也留下了猜忌和困惑。



香港城市大學新絲路研究中心 (HKTDC Belt and Road Portal)

“一帶一路”倡議將以沿線國中心城市為支撐,以重點合作經貿園區為平台,完善基礎設施建設,推動國家間貿易和投資,以實現區域的共榮共贏。 2017年5月北京一帶一路峰會,明確實施的五個主要方向和著力點(簡稱:“五通”):政策溝通、設施聯通、貿易暢通、資金融通、民心相通。 其中,大量在建和即將建設的基礎設施工程,將成為一帶一路戰略“設施聯通”的最重要組成部分。


Pressing the Global Reset Button (全球化形勢重新佈局)

Professor Houmin Yan (City Business Magazine, Spring 2017)

As the protectionist spirit takes hold across the North Atlantic, Dean Houmin Yan describes how China’s One Belt One Road project is promoting connectivity and collaboration across Eurasia using the Public-Private-Partnership model, and how China is emerging as a surprise champion of global free trade.


Globalization to withstand protectionist challenges (以全球化應對貿易保護主義挑戰)

Dr Isabel Yan (City Business Magazine, Spring 2017)

Dr Isabel Yan, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Finance, discusses the efficacy of President Trump’s protectionist policy, the future of UK-EU relations in the wake of Brexit, and how the One Belt One Road project is boosting economic cooperation.


China - Shipbuilder for the world (中國 - 世界造船基地)

Eric Collins (City Business Magazine, Spring 2017)

Dr Sheng Li is President of Shanghai shipbroker HIT Marine, and a DBA alumnus of the College of Business. Here he tells of how he got into the shipbuilding industry, how China got to be the world’s No.1 shipbuilding nation, and what the future holds for the industry. We follow with two articles by Dr Li illustrating two aspects of the Chinese shipbuilding industry: the importance of international brand building, and the boom-bust rollercoaster of the past 10 years.


Effective leadership takes courage and life long learning (領導得力:要勇氣,也要終身學習)

Eric Collins (City Business Magazine, Autumn 2016)

Dr Brian To, OBE, is a global strategist, Senior Practice Professor of Strategy and Leadership, Senior Fellow at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and Adjunct Professor at the College of Business. He is an adviser and coach to Fortune 500 corporations, governments, and distinguished family owned enterprises in Asia, Europe and North America. Here Dr To discusses ethics in the new Chinese economy, management education, and the importance of leadership.


The Broadband Silk Road (絲綢之路,意蘊深長)

Eric Collins (City Business Magazine, Spring 2016)

After a century of marginalisation, Central Asia transit routes are once again taking centre stage. City Business Magazine editor Eric Collins investigates the nature of the historical Silk Road, and asks why China is unveiling a new version for the 21st century.


One Belt One Road — the role of Hong Kong (一帶一路:香港擔任的角色)

Professor Houmin Yan (City Business Magazine, Spring 2016)

Hong Kong is pivotally placed to contribute to One Belt One Road. Dean Houmin Yan describes how the College of Business at CityU and Tsinghua University, Beijing will play a role in setting up an International PPP Specialist Centre of Excellence for Public Transport Logistics.