Seminar: Panning for gold: Model-free knockoffs for high-dimensional controlled variable selection

Many contemporary large-scale applications involve building interpretable models linking a large set of potential covariates to a response in a nonlinear fashion, such as when the response is binary. Although this modeling problem has been extensively studied, it remains unclear how to effectively

Seminar: The Effect of Online Reviews on Physician Demand: A Structural Model of Patient Choice

Social media platforms for healthcare services are changing how patients choose doctors. The digitization of healthcare reviews has enabled patients to thoroughly evaluate doctors before booking an appointment, and has increased the transparency of the relationship between patients and doctors. In

Seminar: A Quality Value Chain Network: Linking Supply Chain Quality to Customer Lifetime Value

We create a quality value chain network concept to analyze the impact of supply chain quality (SCQ) on the customer lifetime value (CLV). We apply our framework to a rich dataset from a major restaurant chain utilizing text analysis of the complaints to measure SCQ, a two-stage least squares (2SLS)