Selected Research Grant
CityU Start-Up Grants
Bank Boards: What Has Changed Since the Financial Crisis?, HK$300,000, 2023-2025, F Wong.
CEO-Employee Political Alignment and Financial Reporting Outcomes, HK$300,000, 2023-2025, S Sohn.
Strategic Disclosure When Peer Firms Offer Bonds, HK$300,000, 2023-2025, Z Fan.
Does the Mix of CEO Compensation Matter? An Analysis, HK$296,000, 2023-2025, W Chang.
The Effect of Outside Job Opportunities on Employee Whistleblowing, HK$300,000, 2022-2024, H Yee.
The Effect of the CEO Pay Ratio Disclosure Mandate on Labor Upskilling, HK$300,000, 2022-2024, K Yeung.
Quality of Accounting Revenue, HK$300,000, 2022-2024, O Kiriukhin.
Causes and Consequences of Supply Chain Transparency: Evidence from Supplier Identity Disclosure, HK$295,000, 2022-2023, J K Choi.
Collateral Constraints, Credit Availability, and the Value of Trade Association and Governmental Disclosures, HK$300,000, 2021-2023, C Rigsby.
Information Content of Proforma Disclosures for Mergers and Acquisitions, HK$300,000, 2021-2023, S Sahoo.
Risk Migration from the Banking Industry to the Real Economy: An Examination of Spillover from Basel III, HK$300,000, 2021-2023, J Wen.
Determinants of Lengthy IRS Conflict, HK$300,000, 2020-2022, C Paparcuri.
The Effect of ETFs on CEO Compensation Contracts, HK$200,000, 2020-2022, M Azim.
Media Attention and Management Earnings Forecasts, HK$399,492, 2020-2021, Y Chen.
Spillover Effects of Disclosure on Real Estate Market, HK$200,000, 2019-2021, Y C Chen.
Limited Attention: Implications for Financial Reporting, HK$196,000, 2019-2021, J Lu.
Technological Spillovers and Stock Price Crash Risk, HK$200,000, 2018-2020, T Sun.
Asymmetric Inefficiency in Market Response to 8-K Information, HK$200,000, 2018-2020, Q Tan.
The Effects of Media Co-coverage on Stock Return Synchronicity, HK$200,000, 2018-2020, J Xia.
The Real Consequence of Banks' Loan Loss Provision Reporting: Evidence from Individual Borrowers, HK$199,600, 2018-2020, X Hu.
Information Consequences of Exposure to High Stock Price Crash Rish, HK$200,000, 2017-2019, J B Kim.
Do Proprietary Costs Deter Insider Trading? HK$200,000, 2017-2019, L Choi.
When Do Firms Hire Externally? CEO Appointments, Pay and Firm Performance, HK$200,000, 2017-2019, E H Kim.
TMT Connectedness and Management Earnings Forecasts, HK$200,000, 2017-2019, S Y Kwack.
Debt Covenant Violations and Trade Credit, HK$199,897, 2016-2018, Z Zhang.
Competition and SG&A Spending, HK$199,152, 2016-2018, R Zhang.
Equity Investor Sentiment and Bond Market Reaction: Test of Overinvestment and Capital Flow Hypotheses, HK$196,458, 2015-2017, W Chen.
Monitoring Role of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from Value of Cash Holdings, HK$200,000, 2014-2016, Y Yu.
The Effects of labor market Policy on Corporate Financial and Financial Reporting Decisions, HK$200,000, 2014-2016, H Wu.
Relative Performance Evaluation and the Use of Discretionary Bonuses in Executive Compensation, HK$200,000, 2013-2015, S Tsui.
Auditor-Client Negotiation, Corporate Governance, and Financial Reporting Quality, HK$200,000, 2013-2015, Y Luo.
Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting Systems, HK$200,000, 2012-2014, Y Gao.
The Role of Societal Trust in Stock Market Reactions to Corporate Earnings Announcements, HK$200,000, 2012-2014, X Xin.
How Do Audit Firms Learn: Firm Versus Office Level Analysis, HK$200,000, 2012-2014, B Li.
Big 4 Auditor Independence and Audit market Concentration, HK$200,000, 2012-2014, X Zhu.
The Effect of Institutional Trading on the Information Environment: Evidence from an Emerging Market, HK$200,000, 2012-2014, C H Yi.
The Influence of Government on Corporate Tax Compliance, HK$200,000, 2011-2013, P Mo.
The Mandatory Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards and Loan Contracting, HK$300,000, 2011-2013, L Zheng.
Firms’ Value, Voluntary Disclosure of related-Party Transactions, and Corporate Governance, HK$100,000, 2010-2012, R Wong.
Bank Loan Contracting and Off Balance Sheet Financing Using Special Purpose Vehicles, HK$100,000, 2010-2012, Z Wang.
Concentrated Ownership, Board-based Governance and Audit Fees, HK$100,000, 2010-2012, B Srinidhi.
Financial Reporting Opacity and Implied Volatility Smirk: Firm-level Evidence, HK$100,000, 2010-2012, L Zhang.
The Effect of Internal Control Framework on Accruals Quality, HK$100,000, 2010-2012, J A Johnston.
Good News Versus Bad News Management Forecasts in the Pre-and Post-Regulation Fair Disclosure Periods, HK$100,000, 2009-2011, Y Zhang.
Owner Identity, Agency Costs and Firm Performance, HK$100,000, 2009-2011, J Nowland.
The Impact of Disclosure Regulations on Information Environments: Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, HK$100,000, 2009-2011, J B Kim.
Trade Credit, Relational Contracting, and Legal Support for SME Development in the Pearl River Delta Region: A Preliminary Study, HK$300,000, 2008-2010, H Zhang.
Analyst Forecast, Accounting Conservatism, and the Related Market Response, HK$83,285, 2007-2009, B C Sohn.
Corporate Governance and Accounting Conservatism: Evidence from the Impact of Anti-takeover Legislation, HK$156,708, 2007-2010, Y Guan.
SEO Regulation, Rent Seeking and Efficiency of Capital Allocation in China, HK$334,269, 2007-2009, Z Yang.
The Determinants of Corporate Cash Management Policy: Evidence from Around the World, HK$200,000, 2007-2009, Y Kusnadi.
Disclosure Regulation and the Cost of Equity Capital, HK$427,751, 2006-2008, Z Chen.
The Impact of Board Composition on Corporate Tax Compliance, HK$420,000, 2006-2009, G A Richardson.
The Investigation of the Use of Non-cash Compensation and Agency Costs in China, HK$107,878, 2006-2009, P Adithipyangkul.
Corporate Ownership Concentration and Dividends, HK$225,892, 2005-2008, O Leung.
Corrupted Lending, HK$332,033, 2005-2008, T Zhang.
Is There Information Content from Insider Trading Activities Preceding Earnings and Dividend Announcements in Hong Kong, HK$449,264, 2005-2008, T Y Leung.
The Effects of Analyst Coverage on Equity Mispricing, HK$238,936, 2004-2006, F Kim.