Exchange Rate Models for a New Era: Major and Emerging Market Currencies
May 18-19, 2017
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Organized by Global Research Unit at Department of Economics and Finance, City University of Hong Kong, Bank for International Settlements, Asian Office, Centre for Economic Policy Research, and Journal of International Money and Finance
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Global Research Unit, City University of Hong Kong
Journal of International Money and Finance
Bank for International Settlements (Hong Kong Office)
Centre for Economic Policy Research
About the Conference
The quantitative easing policy pursued by the US Fed and, subsequently, by other central banks has greatly affected the global financial market. The resulting near zero and negative interest rates, for instance, present a new environment for pricing financial assets and shock transmission. The ultra-accommodative policy stance has affected exchange rates via, for instance, its effects on expectations, capital flows and global liquidity. As a result, new challenges in modelling equilibrium exchange rates, assessing exchange rate misalignment, and evaluating their roles in re-balancing external imbalances, and shock transmission have arisen.
The conference provides a platform for discussing recent advances in modelling exchange rates, and the links between exchange rates and external balances and economic stability from perspectives of both major and emerging market currencies. We invite researchers to present their original work on topics including, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
We aim to strike a balance between academic rigor and policy relevance, and offer alternative viewpoints on exchange rate dynamics and their economic implications in the new regime.
Those interested in participating should send a complete paper or an extended abstract in WORD or PDF format via email to by January 10, 2017. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by February 10, 2017. Final versions of the accepted papers will be posted on the conference website ( Presenters may apply for financial support to cover economy class airfare and local accommodation expenses.
Selected papers presented in the conference will be considered – via an expedited review process – for a JIMF special issue titled “Exchange Rate Models for a New Era,” which is scheduled to be published in 2018. The special issue co-editors are Yin-Wong Cheung (CityU, HK), and Menzie D. Chinn (University of Wisconsin and JIMF).
Keynote Speakers
Nelson C. Mark, University of Notre Dame
Conference Committee
Yin-Wong Cheung, City University of Hong Kong
Menzie D. Chinn, University of Wisconsin and JIMF
Local Organizing Committee
Peter Hördahl, Bank for International Settlements (Hong Kong Office)
Vikas Kakkar, City University of Hong Kong
YAN Kit Ming Isabel, City University of Hong Kong
Program Committee
Menzie D. Chinn, University of Wisconsin and JIMF
Peter Hördahl, Bank for International Settlements (Hong Kong Office)
Vikas Kakkar, City University of Hong Kong
YAN Kit Ming Isabel, City University of Hong Kong
List of Participants
Yin-Wong Cheung:
Menzie D. Chinn:
Kees Koedijk:
Global Research Unit:
We thank the Hung Hing Ying and Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation (孔慶熒及梁巧玲慈善基金) for their support through the Hung Hing Ying Chair Professorship of International Economics (孔慶熒講座教授(國際經濟)).
Useful Information