KM Research Centres

  • American Productivity & Quality Center (APQC)
    An internationally recognized non-profit organization that provides expertise in benchmarking and best practices research
  • Center for Knowledge Management (University of California, San Francisco)
    The UCSF Library's Center for Knowledge Management (CKM) is a group of programmers, web designers, database designers, systems administrators, and other specialists who provide innovative technical support for online information access and instructional technology applications.
  • Digital Commerce Center
    Digital Commerce Center helps businesses compete in the new world of digital commerce through an understanding and application of digital technology, information and media. The Center provides forums, research, and resources in the areas of organizational knowledge.
  • The Kaieteur Institute For Knowledge Management
    The Institute is a Think Tank, Applied Knowledge Lab, and emerging Virtual Knowledge Network. It provides education, research, consulting and advisory services, for the profitable application of knowledge management to business. The mission is to help clients experience the joy of sweet results in global and local knowledge markets, while getting smarter and doing good.
  • Kentucky Initiative for Knowledge Management
    KIKM is established in 1988 within the University of Kentucky's College of Business and Economics, with a focus on academic research on KM.
  • Knowledge Management Group
    Knowledge Management Group is a research body aims at exploring KM techniques and their applications.
  • Knowledge Management Research Center
    KM resources with featured articles, case studies, news, and discussion forums
  • KnowledgeSource (University of St. Gallen)
    The KnowledgeSource @ HSG provides leadership for industry and faculty interested in knowledge-based business. Developments in this field promise to fundamentally alter competitive dynamics, confronting incumbent companies with unprecedented challenges in the management of their knowledge assets, while also providing new opportunities. Our mission is to focus on these opportunities, and to be the leading academic partner for industry and faculty.
  • Research Group Knowledge Management
    The Research Group Knowledge Management is a interdisciplinary team focuses on Semantic Web research. Relevant research topics include Semantic Web, ontologies, data and text mining, logic-based knowledge representation, peer-to-peer, and Web services.
  • The Applied Knowledge Research Institute (AKRI)
    The Institute has several responsibilities including funded research in specific aspects of the application of knowledge and commercial activities to support organisational knowledge development.
  • The Knowledge Management Lab
    The Knowledge Management Lab in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto conducts research into the representation, organization, acquisition, retention and analysis of knowledge.
  • University of Texas Knowledge Management Server
    The Knowledge Management Server at the University of Texas at Austin is dedicated to the investigation and exploration of the topic of KM.