Following the AACSB Peer Review Team visit in November 2014, the College of Business has been awarded AACSB accreditation for the next five years. Dean Houmin Yan sends "a big thank you" to all faculty, students, and staff who participated in the various meetings with the AACSB team, and to all colleagues who have otherwise contributed to CB's reaccreditation process. We also appreciate the contribution made by our DAC chairs and members and our alumni.
Special thanks go to the Peer Review Team comprising Professor Hasan Pirkul of The University of Texas at Dallas, Professor Shu-Hsing Li, National Taiwan University and Professor Geoff Perry of Auckland University of Technology for their expert advice.
The AACSB exercise provides the College with a good opportunity to benchmark with international standards. AACSB membership helps enhance our academic reputation as a top business school providing the best in management education and research. It also increases our global footprint through student exchange agreements, programme collaborations and other academic exchange activities with prestigious AACSB accredited institutions around the world.