
Donation supports CB and financial market research

Dean Yan presents a certificate of appreciation to Dr Xiezhong Chen (right)

A donation ceremony was held in October 2016 to mark a generous endowment to the College by Dr Xiezhong Chen, Doctor of Business Administration (International) (IDBA) graduate 2016, and Chairman of Zhejiang Yamei Chengda Investment Management Co., Ltd, a financial consultancy company in Ziejiang Province, China.

In his opening remarks, Professor Houmin Yan noted that the IDBA had been successful in attracting a high calibre of students over the years, and was gaining a reputation for the high quality of its research outputs. Professor Yan thanked Dr Chen for his contribution to the programme and College and wished him every success in his ongoing career.

In reply, Dr Chen said it had been a great honour to study in Hong Kong, a place where financial development was so dynamic. Noting that research was an important aspect of such development, his donation had a threefold aim: to support College of Business faculty academic and social activities; to support the CB faculty development top-up fund; and to support research in financial markets, bonds and stocks in the Department of Economics and Finance.

Professor Junbo Wang, Department of Economics and Finance, commended Dr Chen for the hard work he had put into the IDBA, and said he was delighted to have achieved such positive results with his first batch of IDBA students.

The IDBA programme has been offered in collaboration with the School of Management, Fudan University since 2010. The programme caters to CEOs and senior executives as well as entrepreneurs from leading companies in the areas of investment/banking, property, trading, IT, manufacturing and law, etc.