College of Business
AACSB International EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System
City Seminar (香港席明納)
戰後德國對納粹戰爭罪行的反思 The reflection process on the war crimes of the Nazis after World War II in Germany

Abstract: Outline of The reflection process on the war crimes of the Nazis after World War II in Germany A. Which war crimes committed by Nazi-Germany in WW II? the definition of war crimes; the new interpretation of the post-war international war crimes; from Nürnberg trials to the Vietnam war simulation trial by the left-movement in the 60s under Jean-Paul Sartre et al. B. Reflection process on Nazi war crimes in post-war Germany. Germany's situation and post-war reconstruction; the beginning of the cold war; the 1968 student movement; the guiding role of legal - the trial nodes: the Nürnberger trial (1945), Remer case (1952), Eicjmann case (1960), Auschwitz-Trial in Frankfurt (1963), Demjanuk case (2011); Characters node: F. Bauer (1903-1968), B. Klarsfeld (1939 -), Willy Brandt (1913-1992), Richard von Weizsäcke (1920-2015); C. Conclusion 《戰後德國對納粹戰爭罪行的反思》講座提綱: A. 納粹德國在WW II 犯下了哪些戰爭罪行,戰爭罪行的定義,戰後國際社會對戰爭罪行的重新演釋,從紐倫堡審判到60年代左翼運動在讓·保羅·薩特等人主持下的越戰模擬審判; B. 戰後德國反思納粹戰爭罪行的過程,戰後的局勢和德國重建工作,冷戰的開端,1968年學生運動,法律的引導作用- 各項審判節點:紐倫堡審判,雷莫案(1952),艾希曼案(1960),法蘭克福奧斯維辛案(1963),德米揚努科案(2011),人物節點:鮑爾(1903 - 1968),克萊斯菲爾德(1939 - ),威利·勃蘭特(1913 - 1992),馮·魏茨澤克(1920 - 2015); C. 結束語
Date: Apr 6 (Thu), 2017 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Time: 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Speaker: 孫小平博士 Dr. Sun Xiaoping
Venue: Eminence Galaxy – Alumni Function Room, 11/F, Academic 3, CityU