College of Business
AACSB International EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System

MBA Professional Forum by Mr. Armstrong Lee

Preeminent business leader Mr. LEE Hon-cheung, Armstrong, Director of Worldwide Consulting Group Co. Ltd. was the guest speaker for the College of Business Professional Forum organized by the MBA programme at Academic 3 on the evening of 22nd November.

The topic of the forum was “The Road to becoming a CEO”. Mr. LEE was happy to share his perspectives and experience with students in selecting the best industry for career development, and tips in preparing oneself to become a CEO. He also pointed out the advantages and disadvantages for emerging Hong Kong business leaders in facing the challenges and opportunities presented by the thriving mainland China economy. The 24 MBA students attending the forum were treated to a stimulating presentation and participated in an engaging ensuing dialogue.

Mr. LEE is an expert in human resources and management consultation. He possesses a wide spectrum of industry knowledge in various areas including banking, building installation equipment, construction materials, fast moving consumer goods, pharmaceutical products, and telecommunications. He is also a Council Member of City University of Hong Kong.