College of Business
AACSB International EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System

College First Year Teaching and Learning Forum

The College organised a First Year Teaching and Learning Forum for teaching staff on 26th August, with the aims to share teaching experiences on undergraduate programmes and present the First Year Teaching Excellence Awards 2015/16. The forum has been running at the start of each semester, in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas among staff. 

Dr Andrew Chan, Director of First Year Teaching and Learning and Associate Professor of Department of Management, welcomed all teaching staff from the six departments.  He was then joined by Dr Weiquan Wang, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programmes) and Associate Professor of Department of Information Systems, to present prizes to the three winners of the First Year Teaching Excellence Awards 2015/16.

The award winners were:

Dr Alvin Leung Chung-man
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Systems, for lectures



Miss Daphne Lau Sze-man
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Accountancy, for tutorials



Mr John Wu Chi-him
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Management, for tutorials



Followed by the prize presentation, the three award winners shared their teaching practices, while the core course leaders shared their teaching plans and directions to the fellow colleagues.