Exchange Programme
College of Business - City University of Hong Kong AACSB International EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System

Academic Arrangement

  • Students have to defer their study in CityU for one academic year and continue their postgraduate programme in CityU in Year 2 Semester B (or final semester for part-time students)
  • Students are not required to apply for leave of absent for their exchange term. They are required to settle the tuition fee in CityU but not in their target university.
  • No credit transfer of courses will be arranged to students after exchange studies and students should not finish all the required credits of their postgraduate programme in CityU prior to their exchange studies.
  • Students will receive transcript from overseas university after completion of the study
  • Students would be registered as not-for-degree visiting or exchange students in their host institution
  • No approval of course registration is required by their Programme Director and students may study any four business courses offered by their host institution according to their own interests
  • After finishing the exchange programme, students will receive their transcript from the overseas universities.  In the transcript of CityU, their exchange period and name of host university will be listed.
  • Failure of two or more courses in overseas will automatically trigger notification to student's Head of Department and Programme Director.