Exchange Programme
College of Business - City University of Hong Kong AACSB International EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I am a student of Year 1 BBA/BSc 4-Year Programme.  Can I apply for the Student Exchange Programme?
    You may apply during your Year 1 (November or July) to study abroad in Year 2 Semester B.
    Please visit “Who should Apply” on for more information.

  2. I am a graduate of an Associate Degree Programme and will be admitted to BBA 2-Year Programme (advanced standing 2) in the coming academic year. Can I apply the Student Exchange Programme in the second round application to be held in July?
    You may apply in the main round application to be held in November during your Year 3 to study abroad in Year 4. According to the selection criteria of the Student Exchange Programme, students need to complete at least one year of study in bachelor's degree programme before commencing the exchange programme. In other words, you are eligible to study abroad in your final year since by that time you have completed one year of your BBA programme.

  3. Do I need to defer my graduation if I joined the Student Exchange Programme?
    Deferment of graduation is not encouraged. You should prepare your course plan in consultation with your BBA/BSc major leader or minor advisor to ensure that credits you earned overseas could be transferred back to CityUHK in order to graduate on time. Normally graduating students will get the CityUHK official transcript in July. If you go on exchange in final semester of your final year (for students from 2-Year or 3-Year Programmes only), you will receive the official transcript of CityUHK in October. However, you will also be invited to attend the College/School Commencement in June.

  4. Is IELTS or TOEFL a must for application for the Student Exchange Programme?
    You are required to take IELTS or TOEFL as the application requirement unless you choose to study in Mainland or Taiwan. Priority will be given to applicants who have satisfactory IELTS or TOEFL score before the submission deadline of 13 August 2024. Applicants who have already attended IELTS should make sure the test date of their report should be after October 2022 (i.e. valid for duration of two years until end of October 2024).

  5. When should I take IELTS or TOEFL?
    You should attend IELTS or TOEFL according to our application schedule. You may fill in your test date on the online application form and submit the score report after the closure of the application according to the submission deadline of 13 August 2024. Late submission will not be considered. You are suggested to register IELTS or TOEFL as soon as possible because the quotas for each test are very limited. It takes about two weeks to get your score report after you finished the test.

  6. Do I have to attend both the interviews for (i) College and Departmental Level Exchange Programmes and (ii) Institutional Level Exchange Programme?
    Attend the interviews for (i) is optional but priority will be given to applicants who attended the interview with satisfactory performance. No interview is required for (ii). Applicants who do not receive any offer for (i) will be nominated by the college to apply for (ii) in AIMS.

  7. Can I submit the IELTS or TOEFL report after the submission deadline?
    Priority will be given to applicants who submit the report online before 13 August 2024. Late submission of report cannot be accepted.

  8. Should I go on exchange in Semester A or B?
    Most partner universities welcome exchange students in either Semester A or B. However, some are restricted to specific semester only. Check out the exchange period of your target universities on the List of Universities.

  9. What are the differences between Institutional-level, College-level and Departmental-level Exchange Programmes? What should I choose as my choices of university?
    Institutional-level exchange places are open for application from all CityUHK full-time undergraduate students. Selected students can register courses offered by all the departments of the host university. College-level exchange places are open to all full-time CB BBA/BSc students. Selected students can register courses offered by college of business only. Departmental-level exchange places are generally open to full-time BBA/BSc students of the specific academic departments. Selected students can register courses offered by specific department only. In this regards, depends on the level of your programme, you may choose courses offered by the institution, college or department.

  10. How I choose my target country/university?
    You should consider the following when you choose your target university:
    1. Can I meet the admission requirements of the overseas university, e.g. TOEFL or IELTS score, GPA requirement?
    2. Are my required courses for credit transfer offered by the overseas university? You should consult your BBA major leader or minor advisor for your academic planning.
    3. Can I afford the expenses of the exchange? Even if you are eligible for the Student Exchange Fund, it could only cover 30% to 40% of the total cost of living in overseas.

  11. Do I have to fulfill any foreign language requirement (e.g. French, Spanish, Japanese) in order to be admitted by the overseas university?
    All the special admission requirements (e.g. foreign language), if any, are specified on the List of Universities.

  12. What can I do if I cannot attend the interview invited by CB for the College/Departmental Level Exchange Programmes?
    Priority will be given to applicants who attend the interview with satisfactory performance. If applicants who do not receive any offer from the (i) College/Departmental Level Exchange Programmes will be nominated by CB to apply for (ii) Institutional Level Exchange Programme.

  13. How much I will spend for my exchange study?
    The cost of living during exchange depends greatly on the country/region, exchange rate and individual's needs. Estimated expenses can be found on the List of Universities or the homepage of the university.

  14. How can I get in touch with returned exchange students (buddies) to share their experiences?
    Sharing sessions will be organized around the application period and after the announcement of result. Buddies will be pleased to share with you the tips and experiences in studying abroad. Please refer to the application schedule. You may also contact the members of Exchange Student Club (ESC), who are returned exchange students of the previous year, to get more information on the overseas universities in order to prepare your study. You will also be invited by the ESC to join the facebook group by country after you are being selected.