1. Age group of respondents:
2. Which topics are you interested in reading about?
3. How do you prefer to read City Business Magazine?
- Online: 36.25%
- Print: 17.25%
- Both: 46.5%
4. Which is your preferred language version?
- Chinese: 39.95%
- English: 22.11%
- No special preference: 37.94%
5. How are you connected to the College of Business?
6. Please indicate your agreement with this statement: "City Business Magazine strengthens my personal connection to the institution."
7. Are there any changes or improvements you would like to suggest?
- Increase the distribution channels for print copies
- Include more contents about recent researches and contribution of academic staff and students
- Interviews on successful alumni or those who own start-up business
- More topics that attract international, local and mainland readers, e.g. graduate employment surveys and current hot topics
- Add in recruitment details and business opportunities to link up readers and employers
- Topics needs to build personal connection with readers, in the sense that it will actually matter to reader's life instead of just information
- Offer online archive files to search for articles
Other feedback:
“I received your magazine and perused it with relish. It was such high quality and informative magazine that it is worth collecting.”
“Thank you for mailing me the City Business Magazine from your school! I am glad to see a local business school can produce a magazine with such diverse topics (from the Belt and Road Initiative to Syria issues). I believe that if the articles are more up-to-date, it can create even better value for the business community.”
“What a fabulous publication, so many interesting feature articles. I shall enjoy this so much. A real update on Hong Kong. Thank you so much. Shall read it avidly!”