
Challenging Conformity — TEDxCityUHongKong

Mr Gordon Bedford, one of the keynote speakers at TEDxCityU Hong Kong

The first ever TEDxCityUHongKong was held in November 2016, attracting eight awe-inspiring speakers, and an audience of more than 200. The theme was Challenging Conformity, and explored various ways of making breakthroughs.

One of the keynote speakers Dr Yuen-wah Lam, Associate Professor of Department of Biology and Chemistry, talked about how students are extremely curious by nature. Although society is seemingly discouraging curiosity, it can become a substantial driving force towards self-initiated learning.

Another speaker Mr Gordon Bedford, Global Director for Corporate Social Responsibility & Environment, Health & Safety at Mattel Inc., explained how companies can focus more on vulnerabilities to solve problems and loopholes rather than calculating risks assessments.

Lead organizer Rosen Wong Yat-Kwan, a Year 3 BBA Information Management student, said: "My hope for innovation in Hong Kong is to see a cultural shift where people do not treat failing as a taboo. The younger generation is very innovative. The problem undermining innovation in Hong Kong is not the lack of capability, but the lack of room to fail."

TEDxCityUHongKong aims to share and spread great ideas and shape the world into a better place. It was co-organized and supported by the Office of Education Development and Gateway Education (EDGE) of CityU.