Former Legco president Jasper Tsang Yok-sing discusses leadership in the digital age

26 Mar 2018
Events and Seminars

The College of Business EMBA Programme hosted a CEO Forum on 19th March and invited Mr Jasper Tsang Yok-sing, GBM, GBS, JP, former president of the Legislative Council, to share his views about leadership in the age of artificial intelligence.

In a speech entitled "Leadership in the Digital Age", Mr Tsang raised an interesting question as to whether AI is a threat to human leadership. He pointed out the varying capabilities and competitive advantages. For instance, AI will succeed in some aspects of the “hard” elements of leadership — unbiasedness, accuracy and etc.; while human leaders perform better in the “soft” elements — the personality traits, empathy, creativity that help others achieve a common goal or vision.

Although there is an increasing impact of AI in the digital age, Mr Tsang believes that “soft” leadership will no doubt remain important, “As a human leader, our ability to engage with people and build relationships, and the flexibility to interact with the surrounding environment cannot be easily replaced,” he said.

The forum was also attended by Dr John Leung, the EMBA Programme Director, Prof Julie Li, Head of Department of Marketing, and the CityU EMBA community.

For details about past and upcoming sessions in CEO Forum, please visit website.