Decision Sciences Journal, October 2020
This research develops a theoretical model to investigate consumer inter-product showrooming (inter-SR) behaviour and the information service provision in an omni-channel supply chain.

Management Science, February 2022
Food delivery services have increased exponentially in recent times, with one major Hong Kong provider reporting a more than 50% increase in the two-year period to early 2022.

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, June 2020
Service collaboration is increasingly popular but requires well-structured compensations and incentives. We provide a framework for the sharing of facilities and the allocation of demand among independent firms.

Operations Research, March-April 2022
An efficient budget allocation rule based on the bootstrap resampling technique, in conjunction with in-depth analysis of nested simulation and its asymptotic behaviours

Management Science, January 2022
The production system for self-replicating 3D printers is operationally fascinating: for each newly-produced unit the firm faces a unique trade-off, “keep-or-sell?”

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, January-February 2022
Strategic inventories have been found to improve suppliers’ profits as well as consumer surplus, but is there a danger that the strategy backfires?

Production and Operations Management, November 2020
How do customers really behave under the performance-price ratio choice criterion?

Production and Operations Management, October 2020
What is the optimal quality disclosure strategy for firms with goods whose quality can only be assessed by experience?

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, October 2020
The wholesale price contract leads to double marginalization, reducing market competition and hurting consumers. We investigate why manufacturers seem unwilling to change.

Production and Operations Management, October 2020
How to improve on the current online targeted display advertising which is typically arranged via event-based auction?

Production and Operations Management, September 2020
How to provide a practical way for retailers to optimize joint pricing and inventory decisions without knowing the complete demand information?

Production and Operations Management, July 2020
Red packets have been reinvented to contain digital coupons that can be shared through social networks, but how effective is this kind of social promotion?

Operations Research, June 2020
Online publishers such as Facebook sell their advertising resources either via an upfront or spot market, but how to make current practice more efficient?

Management Science, May 2020
Robust Stochastic Optimization made easy with RSOME, a new algebraic modelling package