PhD - Management Sciences (University of Manchester (UMIST))
MA - Operational Research (University of Lancaster)
BSc - Mathematics (Nanyang University)
Dr. Chan had been an advisor to many enterprises and organizations.
In 2001, Dr. Chan was the prize winner of the best commercial application research award of City University of Hong Kong.
In 2007, Dr Chan Obtained Medal of Honour by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. And the Nanyang Alumni Award by Nanyang Technological University.
He has published 28 books and more than 3,000 articles, and is a feature column writer for many newspapers and magazines. He is frequently invited to television, radio broadcast, and press in China, United States, Hong Kong and Singapore to give his views.
Journal Publications and Reviews
曾淵滄 / 2011年新加坡大選: 內閣重組作為里程碑. 2011; In: 國際關係研究月刊. Vol. 4, pp. 104 - 109
Yan, Yanni; Chong, Chan Yan; Mak, Simon / An exploration of managerial discretion and its impact on firm performance: Task autonomy, contractual control, and compensation. December 2010; In: International Business Review. Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 521-530
Yan, Yanni; Child, John; Chong, Chan Yan / Vertical integration of corporate management in international firms: Implementation of HRM and the asset specificities of firms in China. May 2007; In: International Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 788-807
Scholarly Books, Monographs, Reports and Case Studies
曾淵滄 / 不要輸在起點前. 2012;
曾淵滄 / 我說過的101隻股票. 2011;
曾淵滄 / 觀策定戰: 曾淵滄透視國策與進退攻略. 2011;
曾淵滄 / 財富非常通道. 2011;
曾淵滄 / 市場給你的101個投資啟示. 2010;
曾淵滄 / 置業101必讀. 2010;
CHAN, Yan Chong / Investment Strategy. January 2009;
曾淵滄 / 逐鹿神州: 曾淵滄嚴選中資股王. 2009;
曾淵滄 / 戰勝貪婪與恐懼: 曾淵滄投資心理戰略. 2008;
曾淵滄 / 教你炒港股: 股市常勝兵法. 2007;
曾淵滄 / 曾淵滄投資詞典 101. 2007;
曾淵滄 / 曾淵滄睿智創富. 2: 透視中資股票. 2007;
曾淵滄 / 迎戰轉勢: 曾淵滄投資應變戰略. 2007;
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