Dean meets CB outbound exchange students at Vancouver

11 Mar 2019
Department of Management

Professor Houmin Yan, Dean of College of Business, visited undergraduate student Iris Lam from the Department of Management and Samuel Lee from the Department of Economics & Finance, who are having exchange study at the University of British Columbia (UBC).

Professor Yan was pleased to hear about Iris and Samuel’s exchange life, whom have met new friends from all over the world and were having a good time at UBC. Apart from taking courses, they also took the opportunity to explore the beautiful landscapes of Canada and experience winter sports. The students also talked about their plans and sought advice from Professor Yan on future possibilities.

In line with its commitment to internationalisation, the College of Business offers a range of exchange activities at home and abroad, with an aim to develop students to be globally-minded and socially-aware citizens. With over 230 partners from around 50 countries, the College annually sends more than 450 BBA students abroad for a semester or year of study around the world, and at the same time receives approximately 500 international exchange students to CityU.

For details about the exchange programmes at CB, please click website.